Sunday, January 18, 2009

As atheists roll out London ads, believers unruffled

Around 800 of the famous red double-decker buses which cruise around London, now carry a message that is a little bit out of the norm. Atheists and Christian fundamentalists have come together and organized the message which reads, "There's probably no God, Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

Although one would think that these buses are extremely controversial, the article provides a different explanation. It delves into the messy concept of remaining religious while keeping an open mind. It also explores the scientific explanations of faith and God, while keeping an open mind itself. I am no theologian, and never expect to fully understand every argument regarding this topic, but I find it interesting to see that atheists are coming out and expressing their beliefs just as other religious have been doing for centuries. My favorite quote is, ""One of the wonderful things about astronomy [is that] our understanding of the galaxy around us undergoes a significant shift, and the only real change is the new terrain that opens up inside our heads.' (from the New York Times)."

1 comment:

ampawelczyk said... I forgot to link the site. Here it is