Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Amanda Dominguez

On Thursday January 28, President Obama took one giant step in creating better relations with the Middle East. He started off his presidency with an interview with a moderate news station, Al-Arabiya, based out of Dubai. After watching his interview on, we can already see a shift in foreign policy. He directed his comments to the Muslim world, stating that what we (the United States) need to do is listen not dictate. This is already a change from the isolation tactic that the previous administration used causing the even bigger divided between the United States and the Muslim world.
Statistic from CNN political analyst, Reza Aslan, said that 62% of the Muslim world thought that this new presidency was not going to change anything, however, Obama has done more in a week in regards to reaching out to the Muslim world, then G.W ever did in 8 years as president. A CNN. com article said that how he handles the Gaza crisis will determine how much we really will accomplish with closing the gap between these two different worlds.

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