Monday, January 23, 2012

Mexico Kills Regional Leader of the Most Powerful Drug Cartel

During a helicoptor raid on a ranch in the state of Durango on Friday, Mexican security forces detained eleven alleged members of the Sinaloa cartel, the most powerful drug cartel in Mexico. The detained men allegedly work for Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, who is the most wanted man in Mexico. The regional leader of this cartel, Luis Alberto Cabrera Sarabria, was also killed. He and his bodyguard were able to escape once the raid began, but he was found later in a cave not far from the ranch, and was shot and killed during the firefight as the security forces approached it. His death is seen as a significant blow the the cartels in Durango and Chihuahua, as he was specifically appointed by Guzman as being the leader of the regional gang. The Sinaloa cartel directs most of the flow of marijuana, cocaine, and methanpedomines into America, and are also believed to have links to up to 50 countries.

Kathleen Tite

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