Monday, October 12, 2009

Britain’s Expense Scandal Hits Brown’s Wallet

Earlier this year, Britain's Parliament came under fire for its expense-account scandal. The scandal led to mockery and dissatisfaction of the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. Britain's government has been hit again, but now at the hands of its Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is now reaching into his own pocketbook in order to pay back roughly $20,000 he currently owes the government. Over a 5 year period, Brown used $20,000 on gardening, cleaning, and maintenance of his London apartment and home in Scotland.
Just as the news and accusations were slowly diminishing over the expense-account scandal, Brown is now flooded with another public embarrassment. What Brown owes is merely pocket-change, but it still causes the public to again raise concerns. Already accused of bankrupting the British economy, this now publicized blunder has people question Gordon Brown's way of thinking.

By: Taylar Proctor

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