Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Venezuela finds 11th body in massacre

The body of the last of 11 men captured and killed by mysterious culprits in Venezuela was found Wednesday. An article from the Chicago Tribune states that most of the men captured were Colombians living on the Venezuelan side of the border. A twelfth man was also captured, however he managed to escape by pretending to be dead, and is now recovering in a hospital in the Venezuelan capital. He claims that the men who captured him and the others were "leftist guerrillas" who thought that he and the others were paramilitaries. Theories of who the killers are range from drug traffickers to paramilitaries to members of Colombian guerrilla groups, and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has hinted that the killers might be Colombian spies. In any case, this incident has served to worsen relations between the two countries that have been deteriorating for the past two years over things like Colombia's decision to allow the U.S. to relocate its anti-drug efforts to Colombia. Chavez feels that this is going to facilitate an invasion of Venezuela.

By: Kimberly Severns

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