Monday, October 12, 2009

Malawian boy uses wind to power hope, electrify village

In Africa, William Kamkwamba's native Malawi experienced its worst drought in 7 years. Killing thousands and forcing many others to survive on one meal a day. Farmers like Williams father were out of money because of the parched soil. Unable to pay for school he spent time in a library where he became fasinated with windmills. His thought was if they could build it so could he. Many called him crazy for his behavior, which to many was unusual. But in 2002, in three months using spare parts from a junkyard he built a working windmill. He now has 5 windmills and many in the village come to him to charge their phones and listen to music. Many in the global community are recognizing him for his achievment, including former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

By Kyle Reilly

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