Saturday, September 17, 2016

Isis' Last Stand in Sirte

Government militia, backed by the US government, are moving forward on completely removing the Isis Terror group from the Libyan city Sirte.  Sirte has been Isis' largest stronghold outside of Iraq and Syria.  Following the 2011 revolution, Isis took advantage of the dismantled city and and flooded the streets with foreign fighters.  Sirte is where the massive beheadings of the Egyptian Coptic Christians took place, and were posted on multiple media platforms for the world to see.  As of right now, the militia has Isis backed into one corner of the city and expects to expel all Isis members soon.  However, Isis has increased their suicide attempts, bombings, and snipers in the area.  They are making it very hard for the government militia to push them out.  With the help of US bombing runs, Sirte will be an Isis free city soon.

-Andres Terronez

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