Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ahmadinejad blames capitalism for global woes

Ahmadinejad nevertheless comes off strong yet again. Claiming that capitalism is all the world's woes is a bold statement he declared while discussing ways to alleviate poverty. His saying we need to "revert back to the divine mindset of a just and fair governance" is reflective of something only doable in an utopia, which is impossible. I think in order to truly fix a problem, it needs to be addressed and picked apart instead of ripping other ways of thinking, such as capitalism apart. I will be interested to see what else Ahmadinejad has to say while speaking with the UN in the remainder of the week. Also, if capitalism is not the answer, which he firmly believes then what is the answer? How do we go about reverting to the divine mindset?

By: Lindsay Weidling

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