Thursday, September 30, 2010

France's Warning for Deportation

The European Commission gave France a warning just this past Wednesday for the Roma, also known as gypsies, deportation. They deported over 8,000 indivudals that were part of this ethnic group. They are a large impoverished group that has been discriminated against throughout their history. France got the warning because they were not following the rule of free movement set by the EU. However, they claimed their raid was not intentionally aimed toward anyone. France officials said that the raids that were done were "part of a broader crackdown on illegal immigration," not to deport individuals based on their ethnic group. Individuals in the European Commission feel embarassed for France's actions because it made Europe look prejudice. This large deportation was even compared to the mass deporation of Jews during World War II. Europe never wants to see these high of numbers again, nor do they want one of their countries to be seen as a place where freedom and acceptance is not understood and ignored.

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