Sunday, September 19, 2010

Officials: Resuming aid to Lebanese military in U.S. interest

After suspending aid last month to the Lebanese military, the Obama administration has decided it is in their best interest to go through with the $100 million in aid. It was suspended last month due to concerns over Hezbollah's, a Shi'a Islamist political and military group, influence in the region. This concern was stregthened after Lebanese soldiers shot and killed an Israeli soldier and it was suspected that Hezbollah could have encouraged it. The Obama admisnistration believes that, in aiding the Lebanese army, it will help the Lebanese government gain control over the Middle Eastern nation. I believe doing this is a good idea by the American government because it will help stabilize the region somewhat. On the other hand, I can see working class America being upset with sending $100 million dollars in aid to a foreign country when the economy is in ruins and the national debt is around $13.5 trillion.

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