Thursday, September 23, 2010

Muslims Report Rising Discrimination at Work

Last month, JBS Swift, a meatpacking company, was sued on behalf of 160 Somali immigrants saying the workers had cursed and thrown meat and bones at them for being Muslim. "Terrorist" or "Osama" are just a few of the horrific names that are shouted from co-workers here in the U.S., towards Muslims in the work place. Recently, a record number of Muslim workers have been complaining that the employment discrimination has drastically gotten worse. Now it has been said that some employers have barred their fellow employees from wearing the sacred head scarves, or refusing to let them off for prayer breaks. The study has not yet revealed it's results, however, it has been said that according to the Islamic groups that the amount of complaints they have received in 2010 will for sure set another record.

Courtney Ecton

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