Monday, September 27, 2010

One Child Policy to Remain

In Beijing the one child policy will remain in effect. Due to the proven decrease in births because of this policy, there have been about 400 million births not transpire. While this is helpful in their population problem, I think this over steps many ethical boundaries. Is China a state that needs the government to run every aspect of their life, including child birth? This upsets me because their are babies being aborted solely for the sake of this policy. While it helps to maintain the population, it is hindering individuals' from making their own decisions, that should be theirs to make. Also, this begs the question as to why there is such a population problem, as we do not see the same problem occurring in places such as Russia. While I do think there needs to be some solution to the population problem I find it hard to see the One Child Policy as being the best solution to the current problem China is facing.

By: Lindsay Weidling

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