Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chavez fights to keep control in legislative vote

Basically, with elections looming, Chavez is going around speaking for his allies to win the public's vote before the election. He's making promises of low-interests credit cards and cheap appliances to try and woo the voting public. Chavez's allies have been in control of legislation since the 2005 elections, but the opposition is making a strong bid to take that control away. Chavez's popularity has been slipping as voters become disillusioned with him because of the high crime rates, poor adminstration of public service, and a 30% inflation rate. While the opposition is a threat, obstacles have been put in their way. District lines had been changed giving greater weight to rural areas where most of Chavez's support is. However, urban areas have begun to lean towards the opposition over Chavez so his control over legislation could be at risk although Chavez claims that the opposition will be defeated.

To read the article in more detail go to:

By: Sam Nielsen

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