Sunday, March 3, 2019

20,000 children working as slaves- corinthian

Corinthian Fields

This week i wanted to talk about more of an emotional topic. There is around 20,000 kids who were sadly sold by their parents to work on a lake where they call the fishermen “master”. First off I’m very upset with that fact that the parents even thought about selling their kids to people to work for them and be their slaves. That’s very sad and emotional In my eyes that you can be so careless and get rid of your kids, i don’t care if you needed the money or not , you still shouldn’t do such a thing , it’s thousands of ways to get money but you decided to do such a terrible thing to your own. I thought we wasn’t going through slavery still? Don’t bother answering that, it was a rhetorical question. All of these boys are from variety of places and they all are being brought into town by one fisherman to serve him by fishing under a really hot sun in the day time. A boy who is experiencing this such terrible act spoke up and said “Every morning we wake up and we go to the lake, we paddle, remove the nets,” says Adam. “Then we come back, remove the fish, prepare the nets for the next casting and around 4pm, we go back to cast the net.” It doesn’t seem like a big deal because it sounds like a regular job but….. anytime you are being sold to fisherman by your parents to work all day and calling the men “master” is very upsetting towards me and many others due to the fact that we work as the black community been through so much to get away from the racism issue just so it can still occur in a way still,
I think that’s very inappropriate and needs to be addressed and shut down. The kid Adam doesn’t even know his age, he don’t even get to live a normal life as a kid which makes me angry because he is out here serving as a slave. Sometimes they are sold for just as low as $250 . Are you serious? I cannot believe this, even if you were to offer me millions , i wouldn’t do it, a life is way more valuable than money!

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