Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hope Flynn -- Australian PM implies women's equality shouldn't come at the expense of men

Australia’s Prime Minister made a shockingly unpolitically-correct statement in a speech given on International Women’s Day: “We want to see women rise. But we don’t want to see women rise only on the basis of others doing worse” implying that those ‘others’ were men. In 2019, we are not allowed to say anything remotely negative about women or we are accused to being misogynistic, anti-women, patronizing, and/or against gender equality. I think it was brave of him to make this statement because I have noticed that modern-day feminism seems to do exactly what he is suggesting shouldn’t happen—that equality for women must come at the expense of men. Like he said later in the speech, true gender equality is making the ‘playing field’ equal across the board not putting women higher than men which is often the case. There have been some women leaving his cabinet now citing after the speech that it was due to a “culture of gender bias” which may be the case or could just be a reaction to his IWD speech. Despite that, his comment about gender equality was brave as it was clearly not taken well and proves a good point to today’s feminism. 

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