Sunday, March 3, 2019

Venezuela awaits Guaido's Return - Sam Glodoski

A little over a week ago, self-declared President and leader of the opposition party, Juan Guaido, temporarily left Venezuela in secret despite court orders placing a travel ban on him. While abroad, he visited multiple South American countries, including Brazil and Argentina, to reaffirm his more local international support. It is notable that Brazil and Argentina's leaders also currently represent different ends of the political spectrum. With this, Guido is likely trying to spreed the message that Venezuela's recent Political conflict is one focused on the nation's leadership and that its support exists on both sides. However, in his absence, Venezuelans have worried that momentum and support for Guiaido has begun to slow, and that this shift will only worsen until he returns. Due to this dire change, Guaido plans to return to Venezuela within days, but may face obstacles upon returning. Originally, Guaido planned to enter the country on February 23rd with foreign aid shipments, but was unable due to the military blocking shipment routes. Until his return, the Venezuelan people anxiously wait for his return, fearing the loss of momentum.

Sam Glodoski

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