Tuesday, March 5, 2019

London patient might be second to be cured of HIV- corinthian

Corinthian Fields

Current Event 9

I found it very interesting that many say that there is no cure for HIV… Well everyone is wrong! Today i wanted to talk about how a London patient may be the second person in the world to be cured by HIV. According to CNN “Both patients were treated with stem cell transplants from donors who carried a rare genetic mutation, known as CCR5-delta 32, that made them resistant to HIV.” The reason i find this very important to talk about because HIV is one of the most causes for death for humans in the whole entire world, I think it’s necessary that many know about this issue so we can spread awareness on the cure and many people can be saved. But it starts to raise a question in my head. Do the government want people to die? There have been many more people facing this issue and died because there is “no cure” to this issue, I been heard people jump to the conclusion of the government want our money… they want everyone to keep paying medical bills until it's their time to go. I'm starting to believe that, due to the fact this issue been a problem and now it’s being brought up across the world in London. Relating to my previous point, CNN stated “Almost 1 million people die annually from HIV-related causes. Treatment for HIV involves medications that suppress the virus, known as antiretroviral therapy, which people with HIV need to take for their entire lives.” So that proves my argument of this is a tremendous problem that can be easily be solve but… does the government want it to be solved?https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/04/health/hiv-remission-london-patient-study-bn/index.html

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