Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Denmark has a 'pervasive rape culture,' says Amnesty International - corinthian

Corinthian Fields

I find this article very disturbing. The title of this article is “Denmark has a pervasive rape culture”. That bothers me so much, knowing there isn’t a such thing as persuasive rape, rape is something that is common all over the world now and the crime seems to increase instead of decreasing. In the article it says Denmark have a problem with gender equality and they focus so much on that, that authorities needs to pay attention to sexual violence, which is the real issue. "There is this understanding in Denmark that it has already achieved gender equality," Helle Jacobsen, one of the report's authors, told CNN. "But when it comes to sexual violence, it is almost impossible to get a conviction for rape, there is a very low number of [women reporting rape], so it means access to justice in Denmark if you are a rape a survivor is almost non existent." The word Persuasive came in to play when they (authorities) talk about other topics and not addressing the main issue then it persuade the men to do things they know they will be able to get away, and it lead them to the conclusion that since this issue is not being addressed we can take advantage of it. I personally think it’s a bullshit excuse for them to have to  perform such a sick act and use that as an excuse, me personally think this issue should be at the top of every country list.


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