Sunday, March 10, 2019

ISIS Becoming Active In the Philippines - Sam Glodoski

On January 27th, ISIS took responsibility for a suicide bombing at Our Lady of Mount Carmel catholic cathedral, leaving 23 dead. This terrorist attack has prompted a discussion in the pacific region of a rise of ISIS influence in the area. Since ISIS began to loose its territory in the middle east in 2016, the terrorist organization has begun to spreed into other other countries, with a focus on the Philippines. Around this same time, ISIS began to circulate recruitment videos directed towards Philippine Muslims, while also sending funds and militant jihadists. Currently, the fighting has been taking place on the Philippines' southern islands between the state's Christian-majority and Muslim-minority, although the thick brush and lack of patrol offers cover for the militant jihadists,t allowing many to avoid capture. In response to the cathedral bombing on Jolo Island, the the Filipino Government has deployed 10,000 solders on the island in addition to carrying out airstrikes. Unfortunately, according to the Philippines' President, Rodrigo Duterte, "The fighting has just begun."

-Sam Glodoski

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