Monday, December 13, 2021

Extortionists target families of crash victims in Guatemala

 After a smuggling accident in Mexico that left 55 migrants dead, families are now being targeted by extortionists. On Thursday a semi truck with migrants flipped, leaving many dead and unidentified. One family posted their own phone number on the internet in hopes that someone would have information regarding their relative. Someone responded to the number claiming they had kidnapped that relative and the family needed to pay $3,000 in order to see him again. The person also edited a photo with the face of the missing family member on the body of a different migrant. Most of these families are very poor and would be unable to pay the ransom anyway. Smuggling is an upwards of $10,000 and anywhere from 300 to 500 Guatemalans move north in an attempt to reach the U.S. 


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