Sunday, October 21, 2018

China Criticizes Comments Made by the US Secretary of State (Dan Kowalczyk)

Early in the morning on Monday (10/22/2018), the state-ran news media of China issued a statement which condemned the comments Mike Pompeo, the United States Secretary of State, made during his tour through Latin America. He was quoted as saying, "when China comes calling it's not always to the good of your citizens", poking into the potential dangers of seeking an investment via China. The Chinese government did not take well to the comments made, saying that the comments made by Pompeo were "ignorant and malicious." This strains the already wary relationship between the two powerhouse nations. China said in their final remarks that "most countries are disappointed with the U.S. and want to shed themselves of U.S. dependence." What does this mean for the international scene? Is it only a skirmish of words between the U.S. and China? Or, will it boil into something much larger? Only time will tell in this case.

Dan Kowalczyk

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