Sunday, October 28, 2018

Mexico Should Not Consent to do Washington's Dirty Work

The thousand of Honduran, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan refugees Should be aware that President Trump is making it his goal to put immigration on the agenda. The new Refugee crisis doesn't have a solution but it does raise a lot more questions one being is Trump making it a goal for Mexico to do his dirty work? It's interesting to know that Trump accomplished nothing of what he claimed he would in the new USMCA argument. Trump claims he was going to get Mexico to cooperate in his border plans as well as bring jobs back to America. One of the hot issues  Trump is trying to push is for the President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto signed the safe Third Country agreement so that Mexico can be labeled as a safe country and America couldnae any claim of asylum. It's a shame that's so many people trying to seek Asylum or being pushed away and kicked out it looks bad for both Mexico as well as the United States. Hopefully very unlikely there is an optimistic way to solve the incoming problems that are occurring in Central America that are coming our way.

By Ariana Rodriguez

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