Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taiwan to hold mass independence rally in challenge to Beijing - Emilio Lopez

This article was written by Al Jazeera News

Taiwan is a nation in the South China sea and is one of the larger islands in that area, but it is not recognized by China as an independent country. Recently the nation wants to promote its idea of independence by having activist from a local group called the Formosa Alliance where they predict nearly 100,000 people will be part of the protest. This protest will be the biggest that the nation has seen since claiming its democracy 20 years ago. The impact this has on the international community is if nations will continue to recognize Taiwan as an independent country or continue to call it Chinese Taipei. Another important thing that will impact the international community is China's threat that if they continue to advocate for independence the country will use force to reinforce the idea of belonging to China. Understanding the significance this can bring of other nations acting on this threat could escalate to a larger conflict.

Link to Article:
Taiwan to hold mass independence rally in challenge to Beijing

-Emilio Lopez

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