Saturday, October 13, 2018

Philippines says U.N. rights council seat vindicates Duterte's drug war

Article by: Enrico dela Cruz

Since Filipino President Rodrigo Duterete assumed office in 2016, more than 4,800 people have died by the hands of the police. Human rights activist allege President Duterete is directly involved in said killings, therefore making him ineligible for a seat at the United Nations. In a vote taken on the 12th of October, the Philippines was reelected with 163 out of 195 votes favoring the Philippines reinstatement. President Duterete has claimed all those who have died were dealers that were resisting arrest, nevertheless two complaints against President Duterete have been submitted to the International Criminal Court.
I was dismayed there was no mention of any kind of investigation into whether these claims are true. This could mean either the reporter choose not to include any findings (which is bad reporting) or even worse,  no investigation was done whatsoever. I think allegations of this kind should require at least a cursory investigation into the claims Because what else would the council be able to base their vote on, a biased interpretation of the President based on what exactly? Furthermore, I agree with the critics of this vote claiming a country that routinely kills their own should not be allowed on the council. Likewise it raises the question what else could have been done to take the alleged drug dealers into custody without them dying. It is not a good look for the council to back a country with so many allegations without doing any kind of investigation, because it will make other countries think they can do the same without any kind of repercussions. I hope what is really going on in the Philippines will be able to come to light some day.

Response by: Jennie Fry

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