Monday, October 22, 2018

Trump blasts caravan, says he’s cutting Central American aid

There has been a recent development of over 7,000 migrants making their way to the United States. The majority of these migrants are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The article expressed Trump's reaction to the migrants and their country's, as well as a brief explanation as to why these individuals are migrating. Many journalists and reporters that have interacted with the migrants have reported that the individuals are leaving their country to seek refuge from their home country. Many of these individuals include families that believe traveling in a group is a safer way of traveling to America. The article focuses mainly on Trump's reaction. Trump is threatening to cut aid from the home countries, and has made a statement regarding Mexico allowing the migrants to travel through the country. The author explains that cutting aid will only increase migration and asylum seekers. I completely agree. In order to, as Trump says, make their countries great again, they need aid to support a stable government and economy. When crime is combatted and the government/ economy is stable, we can expect less migrants. The author also explains how Trump is using the migrants as a way to campaign for the Republican Party for the midterm elections. He has made the issue partisan by making comments regarding democrats and almost demonetizing the migrants. Both will motivate both parties to vote, but his goal is to show the need for a stronger immigration policy.
By Alyssa Farney
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