Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pakistanis Tied to 2007 Border Ambush on Americans

Just after a group of American military officials and Afghan officials had a 5 hour meeting with their Pakistani neighbor in Teri Mangal on May 14th, 2007 about a border dispute, they were attacked. It turns out that we have now determined that the attack is indeed linked to Pakistanis. The ambush left one American dead, along with three others wounded, as well as the American's Afghan interpreter. Officials are now suggesting that this attack could be considered revenge for Afghan or Pakistani deaths due to American forces. Still to this day, neither of the governments have really came out and cleared the air about what did exactly happen that day, most likely in hopes that they will save as much damage to the relations as possible. The officials involved remain nameless in fear that unveiling themselves will put a big target on Pakistan's back.

Alison Ortscheid

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