Sunday, November 20, 2011

Al Qaeda in Africa

Two weeks ago al qaeda connected terrorist groups began to wreak havoc in the African nation of Nigeria. Hundreds were killed in gunfights and bombing campaigns coordinated by the terrorist group. According to the CNN article, Christians were the primary target along with mosques that were deemed "insufficiently islamic". Experts believe that the Nigerian 'Boko Haram' terrorist group, over the past two years, has built up relations with al qaeda. Houses, churches, and places of "Western influence" are all common targets of Boko Haram. This has caused a flood of Nigerian Christians to leave their homes and flee into neighboring nations. President Goodluck Jonathan has promised "swift and certain justice for criminal elements". Wether the weak Nigerian government can hold their promise of justice is as of now unclear. The Nigerians were able to somewhat defend themselves from attack and hundreds of Boko Haram were killed including their leader, Mohammed Yusuf. Nigerian forces have also begun to stockpile weapons to prepare for futher attack. As of now no international help has been offered or requested. Unbelievably, the Human Rights Watch has defended the Boko Haram and condemned Nigerian police for "extrajudicial executions" of terrorists. Violent times call for swift and sometimes unpleasant responses.

Andrew Cross

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