Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cubans Set for Big Change: Right to Buy Homes

Cuba is ready for big change with rights that allow Cubans to buy homes. Many are expecting major changes in Cuba. With money from Cubans who are living in the United States are giving a large amount of property taxes and money to their home land and also Cubans from around the world. “There’s going to be huge demand,” said José, 36, who declined to give his last name, stepping away from the crowd and keeping an eye out for eavesdroppers. “It’s been prohibited for so long”(Cave).
The people in Cuba understand that the key to capitalism is the idea of private property. Their is a slogan in the country "socialism or death" to fight for their rights and legitimize their country. With the new rules that were put in place by the Obama administration which allows relatives of Cuba to send as much money as they want. This is giving the Cuban Americans a big part in giving the Cuban economy success. Experts in Cuba say that the Cubans are already creating a tiered social system within Cuba. The Cuban Americans have already sent $1 billion so far to fund the idea of the people of Cuba receiving their own rights to purchase and own their own home.

By; Joe Ruffolo

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