Sunday, November 6, 2011

US General Fired For Political Comments

United States General Peter Fuller was dismissed from the Army for making negative comments on Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai. The Pentagon was quick to announce that his comments were those of himself and not representing the America-Afghanistan relationship, which the Pentagon reiterated was strong. He suggested that Hamid Karzai and the Afghanistan government were being uncooperative and selfish, suggesting that Afghanistan was not understanding the price that the United States was paying to help them rebuild. These words may have been a response to allegations that Afghanistan would side with Pakistan in a war with the United States. The relationship between the two countries is tense, but that is only half the story. This is the second time a major American General has mouthed out the War, as General McChrystal suggested that the Obama Administration was incompetent. Both of these stories will have to be monitored, as they both suggest instability, both at home in the United States and with the rebuilding process in Afghanistan.

by Brandon Bard

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