Sunday, November 20, 2011

Libya's former intelligence chief is captured

Libya's former intelligence chief, Abdulla al-Senussi, brother-in-law to Ghadafi, was captured by the Libya revolutionary forces just 100 km north of Sabha. The announcement came a day after the capture of Ghadafi's son, Saif al Islam. Authorities plan to bring al-Senussi in Tripoli, where he will be standing trial. Earlier this year, the ICC (International Criminal Court) in the Netherlands indicted al-Senussi for crimes against humanity, especially after the revolt against Ghadafi's regime. Unlike his brother-in-law, al-Senussi was reorted to not have been harmed during his capture. Besides his own son, al-Senussi was also reported to have been one of Ghadafi's potential successors during the latter's time. The court prosecutor's arrest warrant stated that al-Senussi, "exercised his role as the national head of the Military Intelligence, one of the most powerful and efficient organs of repression of Gadhafi's regime." Deputy chairman of the National Transitional Council, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, stated that an investigative committee has been set up to review al-Senussi's case.

BY: Lauren Marie De Guzman

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