Saturday, May 18, 2013

Republicans: IRS scandal shows agency 'rotten to the core,' needs major reform

The article written by Fox News highlights the current scandal by the IRS. The IRS has targeted conservative organinzations for audits and not allowing certain organizations to have tax exempt status. Recently, its has become known that corporations and small businesses that have donated to the Republican party during the last election have been audited by the IRS. The acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller has resigned and testified in front of the house Ways and Means committee to find out who said to target the conservative groups. The article says that "The IRS targeting Tea Party groups and other conservative-leaning political organizations has reignited calls for reform and the argument among Capitol Hill Republicans that the federal government has become too big and out of control. Among those leading the calls for reform is Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee, which held a hearing on the scandal five days after the targeting was made public and two days after the resignation of acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller.“This systemic abuse cannot be fixed with just one resignation,” Camp said at the start of the hearing Wednesday. “This is a problem of the IRS being too large, too powerful, too intrusive and too abusive of honest, hardworking taxpayers.” I think that reform is a important topic for future discussions. The IRS reform and tax code reform, I think in the short term the bigger issue is holding those responsible for targeting conservatives and making sure that it never happens again. 

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