Sunday, September 27, 2015

 Shakar Aamer, the Last Remaining British Guantanamo Detainee, is Finally Going to be Freed.

 Once upon a time when two countries didn't get along, they fought wars, especially if they were within 100 miles of each other. As time progressed and countries realized how silly fighting is, they decided to try negotiating differences diplomatically. To facilitate this procedure an organization intuitively named the United Nations was formed. Among other things, this group of nations determined that torture was not something decent folks did, and so made it "illegal." Here we are at the present day, where the American government takes our tale of human rights and progress and shits all over it.

Guantanamo Bay is a piece of American pie on Cuban soil, a place where truth is stranger than fiction. It is a place where, right next to one of its enemies, a section of the American government with little accountability or oversight does things that would be considered torture by all the decent folk at the UN. Whether torture is effective or worth it is not my place to say, nor is it even the point. The political realism is out in full force on this quaint Caribbean island. But wait, there's more!

Shakar Aamer is a Saudi born, British citizen who's life of indefinite detention without trial at the hand of the American government has cost him 1/3 of his life and possibly 40% of his body weight. He wasn't the only British citizen in Guantanamo, he wasn't the only alleged terrorist who hadn't been put to trial, he wasn't the only one to have been cleared for release almost 8 years before his eventual release, and he wont be the last one to criticize America's use of Guantanamo for things they tell the Cuban government not to do, maybe 20 miles away from where they do it.

God Bless America, whose citizens someday hope for indefinite detention behind the pearly gates.
Stuart Young


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