Sunday, March 16, 2014


In Egypt the crackdown on “Islamists” has attained 16,000 detainees in prison camps. This hunting after the Muslim brotherhood has taken such a bad turn that the number of prisoners exceeds far more the tiny cells. The crackdown has attained an ambiguous degree that even women and children are said to have been jailed. I think that the worst is not even the imprisonment but the precarious conditions in which the detainees lingered.
The army portrayed the Muslim brotherhood as a terrorist group, and hence needed to fight against. It is not the fighting against extremists that is shocking but the way the military is addressing the issue. The Muslim brotherhood has been banned and any attempt to support the party is subject to punishment. This ban itself is against the ideal of freedom of expression and the right to association.
The news report also emphasis on the lack of basic necessities in the one of the cells for example 35 prisoners were crammed in a 7-by-5 meter. And as woman who visited her son in jail said “he looks like a caveman”. I think that the army should take new initiatives because the jailing method is nothing but a burden on the government and hell for the prisoners

But amidst all these imprisonment public opinion is still said to be largely supportive of the military.

Abdoul Siddo.

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