Sunday, March 2, 2014

Yanukovych Leaks Started Up by Ukrainian Journalists

Earlier this week as Yanukovych headed for the hills (or one could say the Urals) his large and extravagant residence on the outskirts of the capital Mezhyhirya was left open and unattended. That being said the home soon became open to activists and journalists who wanted to see how the former President lived. An article that appeared on the Global Voices website told the story of how a group of ambitious journalists came across a treasure trove of private government documents that had been hidden away from the public. Much of the documents were found floating in the Dnieper river and the Kyiv Sea which required the journalists involved to get very creative in salvaging them. The documents and their status have received a great deal of attention on Twitter with both local and international news agencies taking notice of the find. An interesting bit of images have also been floating (literally) around on Twitter showing documents floating in the near frozen river as well as one where documents are seen laying out to dry inside of the sauna of the former Presidential estate. The website appears both in English and Ukrainian and has some very interesting stories of corruption that border on the edge of hilarity. Some of the documents speak about a zoo, some about how money was spent to manage the fish population in the river, and some about how the deer population was getting out of hand around the house. This still being a recent development it will be interesting to see how the new government responds to the criticisms of the government that preceded it and if anything will be done to address the corrupt members that may still be holding governmental positions.

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