Wednesday, May 8, 2013

South Sudan Rebels Overrun Town

On Wednesday, May 8, 2013, a military spokesman in South Sudan confirmed that a rebel force has evaded and is now in control of the town of Boma, located on the border near Ethiopia. This rebel group was found to be led by a man named David Yau Yau. Officials from South Sudan believe that Sudan is partly responsible for this evasion and that they are supporting Yau Yau's rebellion in hopes of preventing the current plans to build an oil pipeline into Ethiopia. The creation of an oil pipeline would help South Sudan because as of right now, it is having to export their oil through the Sudanese pipeline. Although, Khartoum has denied its involvement with the Yau Yau rebels, but evidence suggests that Sudan has recently supplied the rebels with weapons and ammunition.

-Heather Krynicki

(7th blog post)

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