Saturday, March 7, 2015

Boko Haram linked bombings kill 50 in Nigeria

On March 7th a a man ignites a bomb that blasts outside of a fish market and it sends literal shockwaves across the Northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri. Shortly after the explosion another explosion sends shockwaves across the city at another market known at the Monday market then shortly followed by a car bomb near a government building. The sequence of explosions killed 50 Nigerians and wounded 36. These attacks barred the haunting ties of Boko Haram and his fundamentalist Islamic terror group. Boko Haram the leader of the Jamā‘at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da‘wah wa’l-Jihād, a wahhabisim jihadi group. The name of his group translates from Arabic to, "The People Committed to the Prophet's Teachings and Propagation." The group that was founded in 2002 is responsible for murdering 6,000 people and is the reason for more than 650,000 displaced people within and around Nigeria. Two days prior to the attack the leader of the 10,000 strong terrorist group proclaimed his allegiance to ISIL another extremist fundamental islamic terror group that straddles large portions of Syria and Iraq. Boko Haram's act of terror are the crown jewel to Nigeria's polarized makeup, for years the country has struggled with it's very opposite culture. The South of Nigeria is still relatively safe, the south is dominated by Christians and is under influence of the secular state. However to the North most of the state of predominantly and have recently elected to use Sharia Law within their court systems. This huge disparity within ideologies is only catalyzed by people like Boko Haram and his terror group.           

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