Sunday, March 1, 2015

ISIS Continues to Thrash Iraq

The Guardian reported on February 28, 2015 that Iraq had experienced another series of suicide bombings at checkpoints. It goes to show the continuing presence of ISIS in Iraq and other countries that is ceasing to end. The attack mentioned suicide bombings, mortar strikes, and smash and grab looting of artworks. It is speculated that ISIS intends to help fund their bloody campaign with the stolen goods. I believe it was two weeks ago that I had written an entry on Yemen, and that remains unresolved. As far as I am aware, there has been no significant update (save for violence) in the area...the same remains in Iraq. Despite the prime minister of Iraq speaking against ISIS, there has been little effect in the country. If nothing is done to curb ISIS' advance, then it is, but a matter of time before Iraq will fall to the regime. So long as the world has individuals willing to buy into the propaganda of ISIS, the radical group will continue to move forward.

While a lack of action against ISIS is one problem  - the fact that people are willing to fund these sorts of activities is a whole other problem that needs to be taken into consideration.

- Jon Stanciu

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