Saturday, March 14, 2015

Three British Girls Spotted

In this article it discusses a video that was released that shows 3 girls that resemble the three British girls that ran off to ISIS. It talks about how these girls are following advice from another young woman by the name of Aqsa Mahmood through social media. This young woman has been posting advice through social media and has been posting links with other people who are also giving advice. This advice is specifically for women trying to join ISIS.

ISIS has been brainwashing the younger generation for quite some time now. This is scary to think about because not only is ISIS brainwashing, but the younger women to joined ISIS that were brainwashed are now doing the brainwashing. Or, is it really even brainwashing? Could it be that these people are joining ISIS of their own accords and actually believe it is the right decision? Either way, there is something that the larger countries need to do either to fix the problems that those who join ISIS think we have, or actually stop ISIS all together.

Brad Munson

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