Sunday, March 15, 2015

Catholic Church Supporting Military Efforts To Combat ISIS

The Vatican has recently stated that they will support military efforts in the fight against ISIS. Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's main representative at the United Nations announced, "We have to stop this kind of genocide" during an interview on Friday. He then continued to state, "Otherwise we'll be crying out in the future about why we didn't do something, why we allowed such a terrible tragedy to happen." The Vatican wants the United Nations and the Security Council to head the fight against ISIS. Archbishop Tomasi believes the best way to combat ISIS is with a plan formulated by the United Nations including countries that will also help in the fight against ISIS from the Middle East. The Catholic Church is also calling for aid to help the people that had their homes and daily lives taken away from ISIS attacks.

When the Catholic Church is supporting the use of military power, the world knows that military action needs to be taken. Typically, the Vatican will not promote war unless given the correct circumstances. Many innocent lives are being killed by ISIS and unfortunately, lives are continually going to be lost if something is not done. With the help of the United Nations, something can be done. The pressure from Middle Eastern states will also help contain ISIS. Middle Eastern states will probably have the biggest influence on ISIS in getting them to stop their horrible acts of violence. Hopefully, ISIS will listen, and realize they need to stop these horrendous acts.

Cara Howell

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