Saturday, November 11, 2017

Trump's Tour of Asia Worsen Tensions between N. Korea (Genesis Thomas)

Today Trump responded to North Korea's insults calling him a "'destroyer' who 'begged for nuclear war'" and "dotard."  In his tweet, Trump called Kim Jong Un "fat and short" and claimed that he never insulted him and was trying to befriend the dictator. During Trump's tour of Asia, the major talking points in his conferences with Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese leaders have been North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Trump expressly warned North Korea that the road that it was taking to acquire nuclear weapons would not make it safer but put it in grave danger. Trump is trying to rally countries to stop financing and trading with North Korea and to pool together their efforts collectively to stop North Korea hostilities. After these comments were made, North Korean officials spoke out calling Trump a warmonger and his campaign of Asian and attempt to acquire monopolies for the US defense program. The escalation of these conflicts is the result of North Korea threatening to launch missiles toward Gaum, a US territory. And starting Saturday, three carrier strike force exercises in the Western Pacific have begun as an attempt to show off the Navy's capabilities and coordinated efforts. Click here to read full article
- Genesis Thomas

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