Friday, September 10, 2021

Experts: Mexico’s 'milestone' abortion decriminalization is regional game changer by Luis Hernández Ojesto and Gabriela Martínez

 Mexico is a very Roman Catholic influenced country, abortion, sex, lgbtq and other controversial topics have been taboo for the longest periods of times. A Mexican judge used to be able to penalize a woman for terminating the life of a fetus, and the jail time could go from 15 days to six years. This new law is considered a MILESTONE in Mexican History. The country is considered a country full of  "femenicidios" -the act of killing women just because they are women. Experts compare Mexico and Texas; Texas just passed a law stating that women are prohibited to terminate a life after a six week period.  One of the best outcomes of passing this law is that, "The court’s decision will have immediate effects on women who are imprisoned for having performed an abortion, Avila-Guillén said. They can ask a judge for freedom under the new standard set by the court." This is a win for Mexican women. The topic of abortion is controversial because there is so many religious restrains within the country. 


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