Sunday, September 19, 2021

Israel's new plan is to 'shrink,' not solve, the Palestinian conflict. - Patrick Turner

Israel's new plan is to 'shrink,' not solve, the Palestinian conflict. Here's what that looks like

By Neri Zilber

Link To Article

Interpretation By Patrick Turner 

    When trying to understand this major conflict of what is going on between the Israelis and the Palestinians it is a quite complicated understanding of who should hold what part of Israel. When trying to look into this article they are trying to slow down the problem that they have with each other without causing major disputes between the two groups. The prime minister of the country had recently been kicked out of being in charge last summer and there is a new form of government that is currently in charge. When this happened it was really important for the person in charge of the country to understand where he can go in charge of his ideas. The new Prime Minister is trying to focus on a lot of ideas that lead without conflict between each other. This is important for us to read about because it helps the people understand where the country is heading towards the future. 

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