Monday, April 18, 2022

"Former Russian foreign minister reveals precisely when Putin may pull trigger on nuclear weapons" - Joey Jens

 "Former Russian foreign minister reveals "Precisely when Putin may pull trigger on nuclear weapons" 

Experts say Russian President Vladimir Putin would only explore nuclear weapons if he or his nation  faced a "existential threat." According to former Russian foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev, "They may be used, but under very, very particular conditions," "If Russia or one of those countries actually threatens in their hearts—existentially, that is—if NATO forces come to Moscow, then undoubtedly they will resort to nuclear weapons." But as of now there is no existential danger to Russia under the existing conditions. Russia has altered tactics over the last several weeks after failing to conquer Kyiv despite a month-long war in northern Ukraine. The Russian military claimed to have fulfilled its phase one objective and would instead concentrate on securing the Donbas area—a move that some have termed a consolation prize to make up for the sacrifice. As stated by Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Brent Sadler, Putin may launch a tactical nuclear attack if Russia faces an overwhelming military loss in Donbas. That may be the circumstance where a tactical nuclear bomb would be contemplated to show determination and essentially reverse whatever trends are going on in the Russian military, Sadler said. "I don’t see them deploying city assassins, because it would surely bring in World War III, and the presumption is that if he does that, he’s attacking NATO." 


By: Joey Jens 

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