Monday, November 3, 2008

2008 Election

Justin Bjornson

McCain and Obama are planning on continuing the campaigning the until the early morning on Tuesday. McCain plans on going until 2 am ET on Tuesday morning. Obama plans to have his finale rally in Manassas, Virginia. While McCain plans to have his rally on the steps of the courthouse. McCain believes that Pennsylvania will be a big swing state and that it is necessary to capture to beat out Obama, but CNN's latest poll reports that Obama is leading by 8 percent.

Most of the country is expecting Obama to win the 2008 election and to win it with no contest from McCain. While I a McCain supporter I do not disagree with everything that Obama has to say. For example McCain and Obama have the same beliefs on illegal immigration that a wall should be built to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. The thing that I just do not understand is the reason people are not voting for McCain on the premise that he is another George Bush. While McCain is Republican and has some of the same views are a lot more of a moderate than a hard core conservative. I believe many Obama supporters do not know the issues and need to look into McCain’s issues to truly rule him out as a good president.

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