Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chandrayaan 1, India goes to the moon

Hina Latif

( Pictures: On the far left is the picture of the probe, and the right is the picture the lunar surface of the Moon as the probe landed)

On Friday November 14,2008 India sent their probe to the moon. During the land of the probe it took measurements of the composition of the moon's atmosphere. Many in India see this mission accomplished as a sign of global power for the country of India. Over the next two years, Chandrayaan 1, map three-dimensional atlas of the Moon and also check for the presences of water-ice, along with the help of other instruments built by US, Germany, and Britain. The chairman of India's space programme Madhavan Nair, believes this mission is 95% accomplished, he is hoping to launch the second lunar mission in the year 2012. Mr. Nair is considering sending a satellite to Mars. With the probe to the moon's atmosphere, Mr. Nair says "We have now successfully put our national flag on the lunar surface".

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