Friday, November 21, 2008

Cholera outbreak

Hina Latif:

Due to the water and sanitation issue in Zimbabwe Cholera has spread to over 6,000 people in Africa, and it has been reported to have killed at least 300. Many hospitals have shut down and are in lack of water supply, due to broken sewers and waste that has not been cleaned up. The World Health Organization has said, "The outbreak is likely to continue as the water and sanitation situation is worsening, with severe shortages of potable water, sewage and waste disposal problems reported in most of the populated areas,". As of November 18, 2008, the death toll, according to the WHO, is 294, of 6,072 that it hit. According to Dr Malvern Nyamutora, vice-chairman of the Junior Doctors' Association "Cholera is treatable, just fluids and tetracycline [an anti-biotic] is enough, but if you get people dying of this diarrhoea - that explains the state of the health crisis,". due to the high volume of patients coming to the nearest hositals they are going to the hositals to die becuase they have no one to take care of them, and they are being turned away by the health clinics.

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