Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Hero American FP Needs: Dennis Rodman

By Emily Canaday

Let's face it- contacts with North Korea have always been thin on the ground, so there was hope that Dennis Rodman, in spite of his seeming ignorance of foreign policy, might have made some inroads in this hermit nation with his unique brand of 'basketball diplomacy'. While he certainly wasn't pressing the Great Leader for answers to the hard questions of prison camps or American citizens being held in detention, the soft culture influence might have done some good in swaying the propaganda representation of foreign nations being touted by Pyongyang television: America as a needy nation indebted to North Korea, where people are so poor they drink snow and kill and eat songbirds (except for the one that flew right in front of the camera while the narrator was saying this... North Korean news is damned entertaining, I tell you.)

But I digress: the hero Gotham needed just checked himself into rehab, upon returning from NK through China this week. This really calls into question who we're allowing to represent our nation, as well as how aware of the world Dennis might have been when he made some controversial remarks about Kenneth Bae and the entire "human rights public toilet" that is his 'good buddy' Kim's domain. Who knows, maybe he was just drunk the whole time?

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