Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bullets and Billions of Dollars of Aid

It seems that tensions are on the rise between Pakistan and the United States, but it was an exchange of bullets with NATO operatives that has Pakistan claiming two members of their armed forces were injured. Pakistan military opened fire on a NATO helicopter that wasn't even a mile within Pakistan borders. The United States has claimed that the members were injured thanks to a mudslide. However, the focus of the article was one the fact that America gives nearly $20 billion worth of aid to Pakistan. Now many members of the government are calling it into question. Some want the aid simply revoked while others want aid to be based on terms and conditions with the idea that with each milestone that is hit, more aid will be given. What is not answered is why billion of dollars was going to a different country in the first place without so much as a set of rules in place. America still wants the aid of Pakistan in the war in Afghanistan so many leaders are hesitant to cut aid. Yet Pakistan doesn't seem to appreciate the effort since reports have shown that many Pakistani leaders are now in talks with China.

By: Albie Braun

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