Sunday, May 29, 2011

South Tyneside Council 'gets Twitter data' in blog case

History is being made in Cyber law enforcement. South Tyneside Council of UK brought a case against a blogger to California. The UK blogger "Mr Monkey" is said to have made numerous libelous statements about council members and their friends and families. Twitter opened up Independent South Shields councillor, Ahmed Khan's Twitter account to investigate his association with the blog.

While Khan and his Twitter followers are calling this an invasion of privacy and a violation of their human rights, those on the other side of the conflict see it another way. David Potts, a member of the council, calls the allegations he has endured disgusting and completely false. He claims he and those around him have suffered. The question them becomes, where is the line drawn for free speech? Experts do not think this suit will go far since it is being sought in the United States and Twitter operates under USA laws. Still, this may make some think twice before falsely (or truthfully) accusing those in power, even in the USA.

Renee Hessing

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