Monday, May 16, 2011

ICC Goes After Gaddafi

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor, seeks a warrant for the arrest of Muammar Gaddafi, the current leader of Libya. The leader, along with two others, has been accused of committing crimes against humanity. The two other two implicated in these crimes are Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam and Abdullah al-Sanussi, the intelligence chief. The Libyan government has already announced it will ignore the Court's decision, whether a warrant is issued or not, because the country does not recognize its jurisdiction. Moreno-Ocampo's call for arrests came after much research, including thousands of documents and eye-witness accounts. These have provided evidence that Gaddafi "personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians." And Moreno-Ocampo has not finished with Gaddafi and his cohorts. The ICC is also looking into war crimes that might have been committed. The UN Human Rights Council will give a report on the validity of these allegations on June 7.

-Abbey Smith

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